VIDEO: Jack Van Impe- is Obama the Antichrist?

Jack Van Impe postulating that Obama may be the world leader the Bible predicts in the last days. Is it possible now as he reemerges? He is now dead but his preaching may have been ahead of his time…


One comment

  1. Hello,

    Yes Jack van Impe was right that Obama’s the Antichrist.
    Heaven sent a miracle indicating the curse of 666 upon Obama: the same day as Obamas acceptance speech in Chicago, the lottery in Chicago drew 666. That’s no coincidence;, Imagine this: that the lottery draw on average 666 three times a year in Chicago. Well that’s like if someone crosses a train-crossing three times a year. Imagine that a train that a train comes through once or twice a day, what chance do you have of getting hit? It’s about as rare as getting hit by lightning. But even if it’s possible, let’s say that no one has had this kind of jinks upon him. First Obama needed to get elected as the world’s most powerful man. then secondly he needed to get 666 throw it’s curse over him. That’s a lot of imponderables he needed to fit so as to qualify for the Antichrist and he managed with flying colors. My friend, I’ve got your back and you should go forth and spread the news fast that there’s none other.? Obama’s the real and actual Biblical Antichrist. Don’t let any Islam-loving liberal Leftists troll and block you from speaking the Bible’s Word loud and clear! I’m behind you.


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